The TEFL handbook is a practical and informative guide to Teaching English as a Foreign Language that will give you the confidence you need to start your new career…

Produced specially for new TEFL teachers, The TEFL handbook is the ideal companion to your TEFL course.

Written by Sharon Turner (BA, CertTESOL, Delta) – a teacher with 16 years of experience – the handbook will take you from the most basic of information such as “What Is TEFL?” through to the more advanced, yet essential,  vocabulary, reading  and grammar chapters.

In addition to the fundamental TEFL skills you will need, The TEFL Handbook also focuses on more practical support such as internet resources, lesson planning & teacher/student relationships and provides useful teacher activities.

The TEFL Handbook includes:

Choices, Choices, Choices: Information on course types and teaching environments. Advice on teaching abroad.  Help and resources for finding your first TEFL job.

Getting Used To It All: Syllabus, lesson planning, classroom space and equipment.

It’s All About Relationships:Focus on teacher to student, teacher to teacher & student to student relationships.

Listening:  Listening skills and advice for teaching listening.

Reading: Advice for teaching reading, lesson plans and classroom reading activities.

Writing: Advice for teaching writing, lesson plans and classroom writing activities.

Vocabulary:  What are words and how do they function? Helping foreign language learners learn words. Principles of vocabulary introduction and review.

Grammar: The importance of understanding grammar. The main components of English grammar. Approaches to teaching grammar.

Survival Checklist: A list of top survival tips to help you in your first teaching job.

This indispensable resource pack is written by Sharon Turner – a TEFL teacher with 16 years of experience, both in the UK and abroad – for teachers wanting to teach both children and adults. The TEFL Resource pack is full of essential materials and activities to help you not only vary your classes but also give you ideas to begin adapting and creating your own material. Each section has a selection of materials for you to use time and time again throughout your TEFL career.

The TEFL Resource pack includes:

Learner Training: Activities to train learners to practise vocabulary.

The Emergency Box: Activities that take minimal preparation that you can literally pull out in an emergency, never get stuck with nothing to do in a class!

Grammar and Discourse: Activities to help you extend and practise your grammar teaching and your student’s grammar learning.

Topical Discussions: Techniques and activities that get learners to discuss topics.

Presentations: Ideas for presentation topics, presentation components and software and presentation types that learners can exploit.

Webquests: Activities that encourage learners to search the Internet as part of their learning.

Activities for Children: Fun activities that work with children.

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