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Taiwan Job Listings

Although this heavily populated island is renowned for its manufacturing and factories, it is also home to beautiful beaches, vast mountain ranges, numerous national parks and even hot springs.Less popular with Western tourists than other parts of Asia, TEFL jobs in Taiwan offer ESL teachers the opportunity to explore a unique culture, bustling cities and fantastic scenery whilst also enjoying a low cost of living.

The capital of Taipei may be lesser known than other Asian cities, but has just as much to offer in terms of night markets, shopping, landmarks and culture.From one of the world’s tallest skyscrapers, Taipei 101, to the more traditional Nation Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, a popular destination for the early morning practice of martial arts, Taipei offers an intriguing mix of the old and new, making it a popular destination for ESL teachers and a good place to look for TEFL jobs in Taiwan.

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Taiwan’s culture is heavily influenced not only by that of China, but also Japan, resulting in a mix of cultures, languages and excellent food reminiscent of that from both countries.Tea drinking and the ceremony surrounding this practice is popular in Taiwanese culture, with oolong tea the most well-known variety.Tea houses are commonly seen throughout the country, although single-origin coffee is also becoming popular.

Although due respect is still paid to elders and ancestors in Taiwanese culture, the country is also one of the more liberal, freethinking and democratic societies in Asia, making it an an ideal destination for ESL teachers.TEFL jobs in Taiwan can give teachers the opportunity to be creative in the classroom and benefit from students who are willing to learn.

Taiwan offers an excellent range of opportunities for ESL/EFL teachers, and in most cases wages will be more than adequate to cover the costs of living and often enough to save some money on the side.In general, a TEFL qualification and bachelor’s degree are desirable and those with higher qualifications and experience are likely to be able to find higher-paying positions.

Bushibans or ‘cram-schools’ are the most common location for TEFL jobs in Taiwan and are the best alternative for ESL teachers with little experience.Teachers in these institutions generally teach about four hours per day and work five-day weeks.Wages vary, but on average are around the equivalent of £1300per month.EFL teachers are expected to communicate only in English in this type of school, so no Mandarinlanguage skills are required.Foreign-owned bushibans offer much higher salaries, but also expect more of their teachers and often put a lot more pressure on students as well.

Big-chain kindergartens allow ESL teachers the opportunity to teach younger children, although the wages are sometimes less than in bushibans.Classes usually require less preparation and may be more focused on crafts, singing or other activities. Alternatively,public high schools are another viable option for TEFL jobs in Taiwan and often pay higher wages, however hours may be longer due to extra-curricular actives and the increased planning that is needed to meet the curriculum requirements.

TEFL jobs in Taiwan’s universities and international schools are the most lucrative alternatives, however a full teaching qualification is generally required and competition for positions is high.ESL teachers may earn up to £4500 per month in these positions and may also receive other benefits, such as assistance with accommodation.

As a rule, TEFL jobs in Taiwan allow ESL teachers to live comfortably, rent a flat in a nice area and even save some money for travel through the region.

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