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Qatar Job Listings

TEFL jobs in Qatar are surprisingly high in availability for the right kind of ESL teacher.

This emirate nation boasts some of the biggest reserves of natural resources in the world. Possessing more than fifteen per cent of the earth’s gas reserves, it is an industrialised, economically strong country with many international interests invested in it. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that English is embraced as the international language of business and communication.

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There is a wealth of private English academies in Qatar. These academies provide courses for children and adults alike, though obviously there is a strong desire for exam-based English and business English at higher levels. To find a position within such an academy you will be required to show proof of your degree status and hold a strong EFL qualification. Those candidates who have some experience of English, or those who have studied it during their EFL course, may be favoured during the selection process. Salaries in private academies are competitively high, while the environment in which you will be working will be modern, well resourced and supportive. Your living costs will not be overly high, accommodation being your biggest expenditure. If you are lucky enough to find an academy which offers you rooms or support in finding an apartment, you may be in the position to not only live well but also save.

Business English is not the only option for ESL teachers looking for TEFL jobs in Qatar. There are also international schools for expatriates who are constantly looking for well-qualified ESL teachers. Here you may be asked to not only teach English but also support other teachers in classes of varying subjects. Again, salaries in such positions are competitive, the working conditions professional and the schools well run.

Other teaching possibilities may be found in university-level education or within business companies. Such positions may be harder to find and you may need to contact them directly, however they may offer a degree of independence which is appreciated by some ESL teachers. The only difficulty with this approach may be acquiring the appropriate visa. If you are lucky enough to find a position within a school or academy, your employer is then an essential part of obtaining your visa and work permit. The employer will assist in the visa process and you will then be sponsored by them for a minimum of two years. Though you may obviously terminate this sponsorship and request an exit visa from your employer, it should be noted that you may not transfer the sponsorship to another employer within the minimum two-year period.

In summary, TEFL jobs in Qatar are lucrative, stable and a very attractive option for a well-qualified and serious ESL teacher. Offering a unique teaching environment in a little-known part of the world, such a position may not only offer the experience of a lifetime but also some valuable and transferable teaching skills for the future.

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