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El Salvador Job Listings

The smallest but most densely populated of the countries that make up Central America, El Salvador offers numerous opportunities for those interested in teaching ESL or EFL within its borders – whether in the cities or out in the countryside.

Language institutes and private language schools in El Salvador are always looking to hire teachers and, while not a hard requirement, a TEFL certificate and a bachelor’s degree in any discipline will help you in your quest for a TEFL or ESL job in El Salvador – whether or not you have experience teaching internationally.

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As a rule, employers will not hire you unless you are in the country. You might want to compile a list of prospective employers before you arrive and use this as a starting point. Once you arrive start knocking on doors. This will give you a good idea of what you will be facing and give you the opportunity to meet other ex-pats who have been through the experience of relocating to El Salvador. Think of it not as an anxiety-ridden experience but more of an opportunity to meet new, like-minded friends.

Private international schools hire teachers as well, but will only consider for employment those who hold a teaching licence issued in their home state or country. The majority of ESL jobs are to be found in the larger urban centres such as San Salvador, where salaries vary widely depending on your qualifications and experience. The more experienced you are, the more money you will make, but all teachers do earn enough to live a comfortable life while teaching and living in El Salvador as ESL or EFL teachers – no matter the school. Those with experience can even make enough to be able to save a little money each month.

Accommodation is not usually included in your work contract but a one-bedroom apartment can be had for as little as USD $150 to $300, depending on location. Housing in the central areas of the city is more expensive and you can save money on your accommodation by widening your search outside of these areas.

The public school year runs from February to November, with most of the hiring being done during the break in December and January. Private academies hire year round depending on demand and the need for teachers.

If money is not a major priority – and it probably isn’t since you choose to teach ESL or EFL abroad – you may want to consider volunteer teaching in a public school in El Salvador. Since the end of the country’s civil war there has been a concerted rebuilding effort, and there is a real and urgent need for volunteer teachers in the rural areas of the country. It will look great on your CV and there’s nothing like the feeling of giving something back to the world.

Beaches, mountains and rainforest – there is no end to the sightseeing you can do outside of the cities of El Salvador – not to mention the wide array of wildlife you may never get another opportunity to see in the wild, from monkeys to armadillos, jaguars to tropical birds. And if you are the athletic, active type, you can even try your hand at surfing.

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