Teach English in Mauritania

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Kirsten Colquhoun
January 4, 2024


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Mysterious Mauritania is a country of desert and ocean. The capital city of Nouakchott is a fascinating mix of traffic jams, unusual architecture, and vibrant markets, not too far from a lively fishing harbour. Moving inland, you will encounter tough desert terrain which is home to numerous semi-nomadic communities.

Tourism is not prevalent in Mauritania so your experiences are guaranteed to be authentic and your destinations untouched. Oil deposits were discovered in 2001, and the effects of this finding remain to be seen.

Be warned: though Mauritania may be beautiful, it is not an LGBT-friendly country.

Mauritania was previously under French rule but the country gained its independence in 1960 and joined the United Nations in 1961.

Mauritania has one of the newest declared capitals in the world, Nouakchott. The country’s capital was announced in 1960 and the meaning behind the name Nouakchott is ‘Place of the Winds’.

Pictures of the world from space tend to highlight the stunning bird’s eye view of Mauritania. Known to many as ‘the Eye of Africa’ the Richat structure is a series of circular imprints on the ground. With a diameter of around 30 miles, it gives a stunning picture from above.

The area of Mauritania is mainly covered by desert, with two-thirds of the country taken up by sand and increasing southwards every year. Mauritania is the 29th largest country in the world. Mauritania also boasts one of the longest trains in the world at almost 3 kilometres long!

The biggest export out of Mauritania is iron ore, which is a resource in abundance across the country and is estimated to be 40% of the exported resources from the region. Other important natural resources found in Mauritania include gold, diamonds, copper, and now oil.

Teaching opportunities in Mauritania

Teaching English is still a relatively new industry in Mauritania but it is growing at a rapid rate. Young Mauritanians need English to be able to get jobs and so are motivated and determined to learn. As a result of this interest and backing from the government, institutes and language centres, often in collaboration with UK or US organizations, are popping up all over Mauritania and in need of teachers. While local teachers earn a very low salary, working in an international school or language centre can earn you a good salary.


Teaching requirements in Mauritania

  • Degree Requirement
  • Typical Contract Length
  • Peak Hiring Seasons
    All year round
  • Visa Info
    Business visa
  • Typical Students
  • Average Monthly Cost of Living in Local Currency
    300,000 – 450,000 MRO
  • Average Monthly Salary in Local Currency
    650,000 – 1,000,000 MRO

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Mysterious Mauritania is a country of desert and ocean. The capital city of Nouakchott is a fascinating mix of traffic jams, unusual architecture, and vibrant markets, not too far from a lively fishing harbour. Moving inland, you will encounter tough desert terrain which is home to numerous semi-nomadic communities.

Tourism is not prevalent in Mauritania so your experiences are guaranteed to be authentic and your destinations untouched. Oil deposits were discovered in 2001, and the effects of this finding remain to be seen.

Be warned: though Mauritania may be beautiful, it is not an LGBT-friendly country.

Mauritania was previously under French rule but the country gained its independence in 1960 and joined the United Nations in 1961.

Mauritania has one of the newest declared capitals in the world, Nouakchott. The country’s capital was announced in 1960 and the meaning behind the name Nouakchott is ‘Place of the Winds’.

Pictures of the world from space tend to highlight the stunning bird’s eye view of Mauritania. Known to many as ‘the Eye of Africa’ the Richat structure is a series of circular imprints on the ground. With a diameter of around 30 miles, it gives a stunning picture from above.

The area of Mauritania is mainly covered by desert, with two-thirds of the country taken up by sand and increasing southwards every year. Mauritania is the 29th largest country in the world. Mauritania also boasts one of the longest trains in the world at almost 3 kilometres long!

The biggest export out of Mauritania is iron ore, which is a resource in abundance across the country and is estimated to be 40% of the exported resources from the region. Other important natural resources found in Mauritania include gold, diamonds, copper, and now oil.

Teaching opportunities in Mauritania

Teaching English is still a relatively new industry in Mauritania but it is growing at a rapid rate. Young Mauritanians need English to be able to get jobs and so are motivated and determined to learn. As a result of this interest and backing from the government, institutes and language centres, often in collaboration with UK or US organizations, are popping up all over Mauritania and in need of teachers. While local teachers earn a very low salary, working in an international school or language centre can earn you a good salary.


Teaching requirements in Mauritania

  • Degree Requirement
  • Typical Contract Length
  • Peak Hiring Seasons
    All year round
  • Visa Info
    Business visa
  • Typical Students
  • Average Monthly Cost of Living in Local Currency
    300,000 – 450,000 MRO
  • Average Monthly Salary in Local Currency
    650,000 – 1,000,000 MRO

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