Teach English In Guinea

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Kirsten Colquhoun
January 4, 2024


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How to begin teaching in Guinea

Guinea is a coastal country in West Africa. It’s known for the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, in the southeast. The reserve houses a beautiful forested mountain range full of native plants and animals, including chimpanzees and the viviparous toad.

Guinea’s capital city is Conakry, which is situated along the coast. Conakry is rich in culture, and is home to the modern Grand Mosque and the National Museum, with its regional artefacts. The capital has a lively nightlife and restaurants serving predominantly French cuisine.

Teaching opportunities

Many TEFL teachers volunteer at camps in Guinea, while qualified teachers can opt to work at international schools. Most international schools in Guinea offer teachers a generous package that will afford you a great quality of life and excellent professional development opportunities.

Life in Guinea will be very different from what you’re used to at home, so be prepared for the culture shock and embrace it! We would encourage you to make the most of your time there, try the local food and why not try to learn the local language!

There can be certain working visa restrictions according to your nationality and experience, so bear this in mind when planning your trip. Furthermore, political and social tensions, as well as crime, are an ongoing concern in Guinea. The security situation can change at any time, so please check government travel advisories for the most up-to-date information.

Teaching requirements in Guinea

In Guinea, a degree is not required for teaching positions, and the typical contract length is 12 months with year-round hiring seasons. International schools will arrange the visa for teachers.

The typical students are children or adults, and the average monthly cost of living ranges from 13,000,000 to 26,000,000 GNF. The average monthly salary for teachers is between 7,000,000 to 31,000,000 GNF. With its year-round hiring season and visa assistance, Guinea can be an attractive option for teachers looking to teach in West Africa.

Start your TEFL journey with The TEFL Academy

Would you like to teach English as a foreign language around the world? Great! You’re in the right place. The TEFL Academy provides the very best in accredited TEFL courses, meaning your qualification is recognised throughout the world. The TEFL Academy is the world’s leading TEFL course provider. We can help you acquire the skills needed to teach English as a foreign language. Check out our TEFL internships, volunteer placements and the thousands of jobs on our exclusive TEFL jobs board.


How to begin teaching in Guinea

Guinea is a coastal country in West Africa. It’s known for the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, in the southeast. The reserve houses a beautiful forested mountain range full of native plants and animals, including chimpanzees and the viviparous toad.

Guinea’s capital city is Conakry, which is situated along the coast. Conakry is rich in culture, and is home to the modern Grand Mosque and the National Museum, with its regional artefacts. The capital has a lively nightlife and restaurants serving predominantly French cuisine.

Teaching opportunities

Many TEFL teachers volunteer at camps in Guinea, while qualified teachers can opt to work at international schools. Most international schools in Guinea offer teachers a generous package that will afford you a great quality of life and excellent professional development opportunities.

Life in Guinea will be very different from what you’re used to at home, so be prepared for the culture shock and embrace it! We would encourage you to make the most of your time there, try the local food and why not try to learn the local language!

There can be certain working visa restrictions according to your nationality and experience, so bear this in mind when planning your trip. Furthermore, political and social tensions, as well as crime, are an ongoing concern in Guinea. The security situation can change at any time, so please check government travel advisories for the most up-to-date information.

Teaching requirements in Guinea

In Guinea, a degree is not required for teaching positions, and the typical contract length is 12 months with year-round hiring seasons. International schools will arrange the visa for teachers.

The typical students are children or adults, and the average monthly cost of living ranges from 13,000,000 to 26,000,000 GNF. The average monthly salary for teachers is between 7,000,000 to 31,000,000 GNF. With its year-round hiring season and visa assistance, Guinea can be an attractive option for teachers looking to teach in West Africa.

Start your TEFL journey with The TEFL Academy

Would you like to teach English as a foreign language around the world? Great! You’re in the right place. The TEFL Academy provides the very best in accredited TEFL courses, meaning your qualification is recognised throughout the world. The TEFL Academy is the world’s leading TEFL course provider. We can help you acquire the skills needed to teach English as a foreign language. Check out our TEFL internships, volunteer placements and the thousands of jobs on our exclusive TEFL jobs board.

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