Teach English in Cameroon

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Kirsten Colquhoun
October 30, 2024


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Known as ‘Africa in miniature’, Cameroon has varied geography and wildlife – in Cameroon you can find just about anything you would in all other African countries combined. The scenery includes savannah, rainforest, black- and white-sand beaches and even volcanoes, while in terms of wildlife there are gorillas, monkeys, rhinos, elephants, cheetahs and whales. In fact, Cameroon boasts more than 400 species of mammals, 165 species of birds and over 8,000 species of plants.

Cameroon has been a German colony and a French and British mandate but has been independent since 1972. Both French and English are the official languages but almost 250 indigenous languages are also spoken, making Cameroon the most linguistically diverse country in the world. Culturally Cameroon is a melting pot, too, being home to both Muslims and Christians while the Baka pygmies have been living undisturbed in the Cameroonian rainforests since paleolithic times.

Teaching opportunities in Cameroon

The majority of teaching positions in Cameroon are volunteer positions but if you have a teaching qualification you can teach in one of the private international schools. Students have a reputation for being highly motivated and dedicated to learning English.

In order to be granted a work permit from the Minister for Labour and Social Security, you need a contract with your employer, so your job needs to be organised before entering the country.

Teaching requirements in Cameroon

  • Degree Requirement
    BEd unless volunteering
  • Typical Contract Length
  • Peak Hiring Seasons
    June, July, year-round for EFL positions
  • Visa Info
    Work permit
  • Typical Students
  • Average Monthly Cost of Living in Local Currency
    373,357 – 522,610 XAF
  • Average Monthly Salary in Local Currency
    1,120,000 – 1,642,000 XAF

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Known as ‘Africa in miniature’, Cameroon has varied geography and wildlife – in Cameroon you can find just about anything you would in all other African countries combined. The scenery includes savannah, rainforest, black- and white-sand beaches and even volcanoes, while in terms of wildlife there are gorillas, monkeys, rhinos, elephants, cheetahs and whales. In fact, Cameroon boasts more than 400 species of mammals, 165 species of birds and over 8,000 species of plants.

Cameroon has been a German colony and a French and British mandate but has been independent since 1972. Both French and English are the official languages but almost 250 indigenous languages are also spoken, making Cameroon the most linguistically diverse country in the world. Culturally Cameroon is a melting pot, too, being home to both Muslims and Christians while the Baka pygmies have been living undisturbed in the Cameroonian rainforests since paleolithic times.

Teaching opportunities in Cameroon

The majority of teaching positions in Cameroon are volunteer positions but if you have a teaching qualification you can teach in one of the private international schools. Students have a reputation for being highly motivated and dedicated to learning English.

In order to be granted a work permit from the Minister for Labour and Social Security, you need a contract with your employer, so your job needs to be organised before entering the country.

Teaching requirements in Cameroon

  • Degree Requirement
    BEd unless volunteering
  • Typical Contract Length
  • Peak Hiring Seasons
    June, July, year-round for EFL positions
  • Visa Info
    Work permit
  • Typical Students
  • Average Monthly Cost of Living in Local Currency
    373,357 – 522,610 XAF
  • Average Monthly Salary in Local Currency
    1,120,000 – 1,642,000 XAF

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Great! You’re in the right place. The TEFL Academy provides the very best in accredited TEFL courses, meaning your qualification is recognised throughout the world. The TEFL Academy is the world’s leading TEFL course provider. We can help you acquire the skills needed to teach English as a foreign language. Check out our TEFL internships, volunteer placements and the thousands of jobs on our exclusive TEFL jobs board…

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