Lizaan Herselman

Teach Enrich Empower

An Amazing Life-Changing Story – From Gloominess To Cheerfulness

My name is Lizaan and I am 33 years old. I am from South Africa. I am a mother of two beautiful daughters.

Last year I was a sales person in a  retail shop. Every day I had to drive to work on a terrifying road.  Some mornings I had to leave my sick daughter at home with daddy.  She cried because she only wanted her mommy. It broke my heart.  I was never able to take leave to go away with the family or to go to  sport days at school and working like that just didn’t pay enough and I  became depressed. What could I do?  

I had all these ideas but it takes money to make money, right?  

One day my mother-in-law told me about teaching English online.  How could I do that? I didn’t have any experience and I didn’t know where  to begin. Her friend said I could do the online course at The TEFL  Academy.  

I decided to give this teaching thing a go. Went to the website and  enrolled. Got a nice special as well.  

I enjoyed the course. It was inspiring and fun. I learnt a lot and I  actually realized for the first time that teaching was supposed to be my  career a long time ago. Wish I knew this before!

So I finished my course and then it was time to look for work. There are so  many opportunities on The TEFL Academy website. I uploaded my  resume and my information as required. 

I think my biggest challenge was to make my introduction videos.  I’m not a camera person, I love being the person behind the camera but  not in front of one, so I had to get used to that quickly.  

I got a job and quit my old one, YEAH!

Today I am a mother at home  who can take my kids to school and pick them up again. I can be there when they are sick and if there is sport at school. I do online teaching  to Korean kids in the mornings in the comfort of my own home and I  love every moment. I can even go camping and still do my teaching as  long as I have good internet connection – it’s so easy.

I learn so much about  other cultures and meet so many friendly little faces. I tried teaching  adults for a few months but I wasn’t comfortable in doing that and  struggled a bit. I will try it again sometime in the future.

You will face  challenges, disappointment, feeling negative sometimes but at the end  it is the best feeling ever. I already feel that I have made good progress, but I know there is a big bright future ahead for me.

I’m forever  grateful for this opportunity, and to have The TEFL Academy on my side  helping me was amazing. 

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