Do I need to have done a certain amount of the online course before the weekend course?

It doesn’t matter what stage of The TEFL Academy online course you have reached when you do the 10-hour face-to-face part. You might find it helpful if you have already done the language analysis, Units (2, 3 and 4), but this is not compulsory.

The course is intended to help with your understanding of the key aspects of the online course and give you a chance to practise some of the techniques you are learning about.

You will be asked to do a mini teaching practice at the end of each the two days, usually paired up with another student, teaching the other people in the class. Don’t worry if you haven’t taught – it is very short and you get plenty of preparation for it. You will get feedback from your tutor, but it is not assessed.

Updated on December 7, 2022

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