Can I postpone my course due to health reasons or bereavement? In extenuating circumstances we may be able to pause your study, so you can return to the course when you...
Where can I find previous webinars? The webinar link is displayed on your dashboard. To leave comments during the webinar, please create a free YouTube account...
Do I need to have done a certain amount of the online course before the weekend course? It doesn’t matter what stage of The TEFL Academy online course you have reached when you do the 10-hour face-to-face...
Are the TTA courses approved by ACELS? The TEFL course that we offer is not ACELS/QQI approved. Ireland is one of only three countries worldwide that TEFL...
Are the top-up courses accredited? The top-up courses are not regulated courses. We provide a certificate awarded by The TEFL Academy, rather than an awarding...