ESL Across South Korea

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Date Posted: 28th February 2024

Awesome teaching opportunities in South Korea

South Korea > Seoul and Major Cities


  • Salary
  • Degree Required
  • Recruiter
  • Description
    Why South Korea? One of the biggest draws of teaching in South Korea is undoubtedly the salary and benefits.  Within South Korean society, English is perceived as a big criterion in education, success, higher social status and power.  Not to mention the culture, the friendliness of people, the four seasons and of course the tangy, spicy Korean food!

    TESLAbroad is currently seeking English Educators for South Korea.  Teaching opportunities with a mix of schools including but not limited to language schools, academies, public schools.  If you are someone who is just thinking about an ESL career, this is the opportunity for you!

  • Benefits
    General package but depending on the school, your offer might be different:

    - One way air ticket
    - Housing allowance
    -Health care supported
    - Visa and work permit support or paid for depending on school
    - 2 weeks paid vacation
    - Resources and support
    - Professional Development
    - 1 to 2 weeks training when arrive
  • Requirements
    - Bachelor's degree and Police Clearance to be apostilled
    -English proficiency level: Native
    -Minimum 3-year Bachelor's degree
    -A recognized qualification in English Language Teaching (TEFL level 5)
    -Clean background with 6 months validity
  • Date Posted
    28th February 2024

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