Teaching English For Exams vs General English

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Teaching English as a foreign language is not a one-size-fits-all job. 

As a TEFL teacher, there are many different hats you can be expected to wear, depending on what classes you are given to teach. Yes, they will all involve teaching English as a foreign language. But no, they won’t involve the same content, aims or lesson plans. Sorry!  

In this blog post we cover two types of EFL classes –  teaching General English versus teaching English for Exams.

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Teaching General English

The most common form of EFL lessons are General English classes. 

Students take General English classes because they want to improve their English. They often don’t have a specific goal in mind. 

They may need to be awarded a certificate for a certain level – for example, Upper Intermediate – for their job or for some other reason, but they usually have no specific end goal besides proficiency.

Many of these EFL students take English lessons out of geniune interest in learning the language. Many are intrepid travellers who understand that proficiency in English is a valuable tool in most places on this planet.

Some enjoy British, American or Australian culture and want to speak and understand English to better appreciate the cultures. Similar to how fans of K-pop might learn Korean so they can understand the lyrics to their favourite songs.

General English lessons

In General English classes, the teacher usually follows a coursebook. Classes cover language and the four skills, but teachers have the freedom to deviate from the syllabus whenever they feel they should.

General English classes are flexible enough to cater to the interests of the students, however varied they may be. In other words, the class might look at Unit 6 on Monday and then do a lesson related to a relevant DVD on Tuesday.

General English classes are low-stress. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed and the students like to have a good time in the lessons. There is no reason to introduce any kind of pressure into the lessons, even for tests or assessments, as this will only be counter-productive.

Cambridge exam

Teaching English for Exams

Teaching English for Exams classes are quite different. 

In these classes the students have one goal, to pass an exam. There are a number of different exams EFL students may be studying towards, such as IELTS, TOEFL, FCE, CAE and CPE

What is an English exam?

English exams are English proficiency tests for learners of English. There are internationally recognised tests which are used by employers, educational institutions and governments. Test-takers are given a score which equates to a certain level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). These scores dictate whether the test-taker is eligible for, for example, a residence or work visa, entry into a higher degree, or a job. 

Read more: What Is The CEFR?

Students might need to pass or get a certain mark in the exams for acceptance at a university or for a job. The exams are all different in format but the lessons will be similar in structure.

English for Exams classes are not the same as English for Academic Purposes (EAP). EAP classes prepare students to cope in an English-medium academic setting like university. Motivation levels should be high in these classes too, but there isn’t a specific exam the students are working towards.

Teaching Exam English lessons

Exam English lessons are sometimes called Exam Preparation courses. 

Teachers in exam classes don’t have as much flexibility as General English teachers. They have a set date for the exam to work towards. Their students have a set goal. 

Students in exam classes are generally more motivated, dedicated and hard-working than other students.

This doesn’t mean that exam classes are boring, by any means. Exam teachers need to work extra hard to make sure their lessons are not dry and boring. Not that easy when you have to stick strictly to a curriculum or coursebook!

Exam teachers can see the results of their and their students’ hard work in the results of the exams. It’s easy for exam teachers to see the progress of their students and witness their satisfaction when they pass their exams. Exam classes can be rewarding in a way that General English classes aren’t.

While the activities might be similar in both classes – because they are both EFL lessons – the way they are carried out is different. There is an underlying motivation in Exam English classes which make them feel a bit more serious than General English classes.

English for Exams lessons focus on skills needed to pass the specific exam. The tasks in a language exam require specific skills to be completed appropriately in the time given. Students in these classes spend less time on grammatical structures and vocabulary, and more on honing those skills. Students need to have a certain level of English before they are accepted onto an exam preparation course.

Rear View Of Male High School Teacher Standing At Front Of Class Teaching English for Exams Lesson

Should I teach General English or Exam English?

Deciding which English lessons to teach might be tricky until you get to know yourself as a teacher. Some teachers love teaching Exam English classes; others prefer General English. And you might not have a choice. Your school might only offer General English lessons or they may ask you to take English for Exams classes.

Whichever way you go, enjoy!



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