Tips To Write A Sensational CV For Getting Hired To Teach English Abroad
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A CV can make or break a job application.
Even though there are hundreds of thousands of job opportunities for English teachers abroad, there may also be hundreds of people applying for that job you want. So you need to make sure your CV really packs a punch.
You listening closely? Here’s are our tips to write a sensational CV for getting hired to teach English abroad.
Be short and sweet
Generally speaking, CVs shouldn’t be longer than two pages.
Be sure to include the essential information but don’t put extra information on it just to fluff it out. Essential information includes:
- your name,
- nationality,
- contact details,
- education,
- employment history,
- and a section on skills.
That’s pretty much it. No one needs to know how many Instagram followers you have or that you’re (distantly) related to John Lennon. Seriously.

Keep it relevant
Teaching English abroad CVs are slightly different to CVs for other jobs.
Firstly, you may be applying without having set foot in a classroom but with a decade of marketing experience. Then, TEFL employers are generally interested in other skills and experience, such as fluency in a foreign language or experience living abroad. So be sure to include any information which is relevant to teaching.
What to include:
- Any TEFL experience, including the ages and nationalities of your students, as well as the type of English lessons taught
- Any teaching experience, even if not teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Any coaching or tutoring experience, even if not in a classroom-situation
- Any skills in speaking a foreign language
- Transferrable skills from other jobs, such as time/people management skills, presentation skills, technology skills, organizational skills
- Your most recent job(s) with a brief explanation if not self-explanatory
- Your most recent education, including details of your TEFL course ie course provider, number of course hours, number of practical hours
- Proof of your English fluency if not a native speaker
- The country-code of your contact number
- What not to include: Every single job you’ve ever had (unless you’ve only had one or two)
- Education details from before high school
- Evidence of your passion for partying
- Your social media links
Make it pretty
Cvs can be quite dry so try make it a little more sparkly.
Canva is a free online tool which you can use to create a graphically attractive CV very easily, or it can be as easy as making sure your CV is nicely laid out and easy to read. And we don’t need to remind you about spellcheck, do we?
Don’t forget your cover letter
Along with your CV, you’ll send a cover letter.
TEFL cover letters are the same as for any other job: be professional; tailor it to the specific job; sell yourself.
That’s all, folks. Remember, don’t get disheartened if you send out loads of job applications and get no response.
The right job is out there waiting for you. And you know what they say, there are plenty more fish in the sea…
Accreditation & Quality Assurance
The TEFL Academy was the world’s first TEFL course provider to receive official recognition from government regulated awarding bodies in both the USA and UK. This means when you graduate you’ll hold a globally recognised Level 3 (120hr) Certificate or Level 5 (168hr) Diploma, meaning you can find work anywhere and apply for jobs immediately.
Good afternoon. I have done the TEFL course and I am currently struggling to get a job online or in a class room.